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Questions tagged [eating]

Motivation and disorders; eating habits; table manners; etc. See also the tags [food] and [feeding].

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Baby fake eating

So I have a 3 week old, born 7 days before term, 3.5kg on birth, lost almost 400g in the hospital, then returned to 3.5kg in about 10 days. Since then he has gained an additional 200g, which I fear is ...
Eutherpy's user avatar
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How to deal with an older toddler who refuses to eat anything but cheerios?

Our three year old is developing another bad habit - he absolutely refuses to eat anything except bowl after bowl of cheerios! ...Well okay it's not that bad - he will sometimes try new foods he is ...
Zibbobz's user avatar
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Should We Wake Our Son Up If He Hasn't Eaten Dinner?

Just accepted the answer to this question on whether or not we should encourage/discourage our 2-year old from skipping his naps. Now I have a follow-up question. On occasion, when our son decides to ...
Zibbobz's user avatar
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Getting child to eat (preschooler)

When I cook for my child, my child tends to just eat a little bit, perhaps, two or three forkfuls, and then goes and uses the phone. When I tell my child to eat, they say they're not hungry or they ...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
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12 month old baby girl w/ bad eating habits

Since my baby girl was 4-5 months old she would only drink her bottles while asleep. when she is awake she will REFUSE that bottle at all costs. To get her to drink during the day I would have to put ...
Melissa H's user avatar
0 votes
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For 3 years our 6 year old refuses to eat

... Other than chocolate cake and ham sandwiches of course! I'm seeking help with what seems like a 3 year problem. I have a 6 year old who other than breakfast cereal, ham sandwiches, and chocolate ...
attic_up's user avatar
4 votes
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Eight-month-old cries when food gets in his mouth

We’ve been introducing “solid” foods to our baby since he was six months old. We’ve been following the advice at, though we haven’t done the “full on” baby-led weaning (e.g. a chicken ...
KRyan's user avatar
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3yr old still refusing solids

My 3yr old son will not eat anything except for Gerber stage 2 purees. He gags on any other food offered and physically refuses it. He drinks while milk with rice cereal added and sometimes flavoring. ...
Christina's user avatar
3 votes
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13yo kid does not want to use knife for eating [closed]

I have an unusual problem that is creating tense situations at home. My 13y/o boy does not want to use his knife for eating. He bends his head to the dish to eat things like salad or pasta. He ...
Olivier Georg's user avatar
1 vote
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How do change eating habit

My son has a problem with eating. He can eat all the junk like KFC, McDonald's, or rice and sweet yogurt, but starts crying when I ask him to eat more healthy food, or when I ban his TV or iPad. Part ...
localhost's user avatar
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Is baby led weaning failing with my toddler?

We'd started baby led weaning soon after starting purees - when he was 7 months old, and it was going great. We still had purees and mashed foods in his diet, but anything that he could eat on his own,...
learner101's user avatar
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Why does my 19 month old son refuse to eat solids?

My 19 month old son refuses to eat solid food. Every time I have tried giving him finger food, as soon as he puts it in his mouth he will throw it up. The only way I can get my son to eat is to blend ...
Kealeigh Mills's user avatar
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12-week-old baby reduced food intake

I have a lovely 12-week-old daughter who's doing really well. However I'm a bit puzzled with a change of attitude during feeding for the last week. She used to drink about 6oz of formula milk at 7pm ...
Jacques Gaudin's user avatar
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Unwanted behavior at table, our usual approach is failing so far

Our 11 month old has gotten fairly good at knowing what she may and may not touch around the flat (e.g. a dangerous table, curtains etc.). When she approaches or actually gets her hand on such stuff, ...
TAR86's user avatar
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Should I limit the amount my toddler eats?

My 18-month old has a large appetite. If she likes what she's eating, she'll just keep eating, and she isn't picky. Sometimes she polishes off nearly as much as me in a sitting. Her daycare tells us ...
Chris.B's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to prevent a meltdown before bed for a 4-year old?

Our 4-year old has unfortunately started having meltdowns a couple of days a week before bed. It's really sad because she'll often put together a great day, just to cause a house-wide problem near the ...
Namey's user avatar
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Are these bad eating habits in a 7 month old?

My 7 month old baby easts enthusiastically, but puts his fingers (index and middle) in his mouth after every spoon. I thought may be he's pushing the food back to his throat, but it doesn't seem like ...
learner101's user avatar
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9 year old growth spurt but never hungry

The sedentarism imposed by COVID-19 restrictions has reduced (a lot) my nine-year-old's physical activity. That explains, to me, why his appetite has been reduced a lot over the last few months. ...
Beanluc's user avatar
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How long should i let my two year old cry for before giving up and giving her what she wants?

My daughter is 2 years and one month old. Her eating isn't great, I suspect because we let her eat treats at mealtimes, regardless of whether she eats the nutritious stuff we put in front of her. So ...
user avatar
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My toddler randomly will not swallow their milk

Just a few days back my 16 month old toddler started randomly spitting out (not swallowing) milk that he just put in his mouth. He kind of just lets it dribble down out of his mouth, almost like he ...
Godzilla's user avatar
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How to get baby feeding to the next level?

My baby is 11 months old now. My wife and I feed him with a spoon. He sits in his chair all well and opens his mouth when the spoon arrives. He starts to grab at the spoon and I think he may be ready ...
Burkhard's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

How do I get pre-schoolers to stop asking for food every hour?

My boyfriend has three little girls, 3, 3 and 5 years old. I try to feed them balanced and correctly portioned meals and snacks even though the 5-year-old is extremely picky. They eat about every 2 ...
Kayla's user avatar
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45 votes
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What is the evidence on the danger of feeding whole blueberries and grapes to infants and toddlers?

Some people cut grapes and blueberries in half to feed to infants and toddlers, to reduce the risk of choking. Others don't bother. I've read anecdotes about choking but was curious if there is ...
the_scheining's user avatar
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How to make a 20-month-old use a spoon to eat?

My 20-month-old son refuses to eat with a spoon. He started to use one and pretty well quite early, but now for a few months he refuses and gets upset when I try to encourage him. He will take the ...
massiekur 's user avatar
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How bad is a metal spoon for a 6-month-old baby?

Our six-month-old daughter loves to chew on metal spoons. She already has two teeth. Is this harmful to her teeth and dentition? Is a hard plastic spoon less harmful despite small plastic particles ...
Elsebär's user avatar
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What solid foods to give a picky toddler to make her satisfied?

I'm a teen mom and my 19-month-old baby girl is so picky she barely eats baby foods. Everytime she sleeps during the day or night when she wakes up all she wants is milk. I’ll have to wait when she’s ...
mariana 's user avatar
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5 answers

1 year refuses new food and throws a fit if we don't give him what he wants

My son, who is 1, is having a hard time making progress with his eating. There are a limited amount of things that he eats (e.g. bread, cereal, crackers, baby food) and he doesn't like to try new ...
The Gilbert Arenas Dagger's user avatar
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How to train a 2-year-old to eat food she doesn't like?

My 2-year-old daughter is scared of consuming curd. She runs away and if tried to force, she vomits. But it's good for her stomach. She also avoids cream and cottage cheese but drinks milk. Otherwise ...
ak_app's user avatar
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How to help our 4-year-old who can't bite food into appropriately sized pieces?

My almost 4-year-old won’t bite his food. He doesn’t seem to know how to. If given a large piece of food, he will try to stuff the whole piece in his mouth or won’t even try to eat it because of its ...
Marcy Hanson's user avatar
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Constipation and not eating while holding back poo. How can we help our son?

Our son is going to be 3 years old. Lately, he had constipation and he doesn't eat much. Now he holds back his stool because he had a rash, but now it is really hard for us to make him poo as he cries ...
localhost's user avatar
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How to protect/clean a 14-month-old child's teeth?

My 14-month-old doesn't eat enough at dinner time, so she is always hungry at 3 AM. When she is hungry she will cry for hour long, eventually tire herself only to cry again in 30 minutes. To prevent ...
elty123's user avatar
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How to make my 7- and 10-year-old nephews eat more healthily?

I am a single gay man and earlier this year I moved in with my disabled parents to help them care for my Nephews (7 and 10). I have been very active in their lives and was always aware of their eating ...
Nathan's user avatar
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Should we chase our 13-month-old girl and feed her?

My baby girl is 1 year and 1 month old. She no longer wants to sit in a high chair and when we feed her, she always runs off. Is it ok to chase after her and feed her?
Yu Zhang's user avatar
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Can I use an hourglass to make my kid eat faster?

TL;DR version: My daughter eats quite slowly. Can I use an hourglass to teach her to eat faster? When this time is out, I take her plate away even if it's not finished. Longer version: My daughter is ...
Mathieu's user avatar
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A boy at school told my 8-year-old daugther she had fat thighs. How to boost her self-esteem and make her eat healthier?

My 8-year-old daughter is very quiet and isolated at school. She has almost no friends. Besides, she doesn't like sports at all. Yesterday she told us that one of the boys at school told her she has ...
asmgx's user avatar
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At what age can you let kids go hungry till the next meal if they don't want to eat?

There's a lot of content on this site and others, which basically tell you never to force feed your child. Your job is to provide healthy food, it's their job to eat it. Allot a certain time limit in ...
learner101's user avatar
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What to do about my 14-month-old daughter refusing to eat? [closed]

My 14-month-old daughter refuses to eat. What happened to her? And now she is anemic. I'm so worried about her!
Durga Pradeep's user avatar
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3-year-old eats snow

My daughter is 3 years old and she eats snow at kindergarten. And not even white snow, but dirty gray snow. She told me she does so because other children do it and because their leader allows them to ...
Dima's user avatar
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How to keep 3 year old from chewing on everything?

I have a 3 year old who recently started chewing on whatever is nearby. Whenever he gets bored, or he's sitting watching a show, it's almost guaranteed he'll start chewing on something. Up until ...
NeutronStar's user avatar
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My 4-year-old will only eat things entirely made of starch or sugars - how to make him eat more healthily?

My 4-year-old son basically will not eat anything other than things that are entirely made of starch or sugars. Anything involving any kind of meat or vegetable is immediately and completely rejected. ...
Cordt Hanson's user avatar
1 vote
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How to teach a toddler to use a cup with a straw?

My kid knows how to drink from a regular cup but is unable to use a cup with a straw. How do I teach my kid to use a cup with a straw in it?
Aaa's user avatar
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Toddler crying at lunch during school

Background Our girl, 19 months old, goes to day care 3 days a week. She has started becoming fussy about eating most things (as toddlers do). My wife and I have been feeding her some more simple ...
John's user avatar
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How to avoid food waste while not forbidding experiments with food?

To give a bit context: We are quite relaxed with food and eating. Our daughter (3 years old) is free to decide many things about eating. Most of the time she may decide what to eat (as long as she ...
Paul Kertscher's user avatar
-2 votes
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Does excess sugar intake cause aggressiveness in children

Does excess sugar in a child cause aggressiveness?
Dana's user avatar
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7-month-old boy does not want to drink

Our baby is 7 months old, we never had any major problems in feeding him but in latest month, he is refusing almost to drink any milk or water. Currently he is drinking probably around just 20-30 ml a ...
Radex's user avatar
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How to stop a toddler disturbing mother's eating

My wife often eats on kotatsu- low table. My 1year 8 months old will drop everything to disturb her eating- grabbing at the plates of food. He is not hungry and won't play with me. He will disturb her ...
user2617804's user avatar
6 votes
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Feeding a picky 18 month old - too early to send to bed hungry?

My little girl (17.5 months) is a fairly good eater, but often refuses a meal I have made knowing I will bring her other options until she eats. I want to raise her as a good eater, but I don't know ...
D.K.L's user avatar
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Strategies to reduce stress at mealtimes

Strategies sought. Generally healthy happy 4.5 yr old grandson. Eats wide range of foods, including vegetables (broccoli a favourite) some reaction to dairy products so use soya and almond milk. ...
djna's user avatar
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2 year old daughter unable to chew

My 2 year old daughter does not like chewing her food. I was wasn't sure what to do and therefore I gave her pureed food. She has been eating that well. As she is becomes older; I am concerned that ...
user26020's user avatar
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15 month swallows everything without chewing

my 15 month old daughter swallows everything she can without chewing. if only the morsel is hard only then, she would chew it. How shall i teach her to chew before swallowing? Thanks in advance.
simply_me's user avatar
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