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8 votes

Did I screw up when allowing my 12-year-old to invite only one twin to her party?

In my opinion, by twelve it should be up to the children to work this out, and the parents should not involve themselves directly - they should help their children navigate these things if they need ...
Joe's user avatar
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6 votes

My daughter hurt a little girl's feelings at a birthday party

I'm not sure if this is a cultural/traditional thing but most of the parents I know tell children to open their gifts later (after their friends have left) precisely because of this reason. Young kids ...
svj's user avatar
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5 votes

What does a party for 13 yo look like today?

The best way to figure out a party is to ask him what he wants. He could want something as simple as pizza, snack foods, movies and a game console, or something a bit more planned as a last hurrah of ...
Dan Clarke's user avatar
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4 votes

My daughter hurt a little girl's feelings at a birthday party

I am working through something similar with my daughter, and unfortunately there is no easy answer. I recommend explaining to her that her action hurt the other child's feelings and ask her how she ...
Patrick Morton's user avatar
2 votes

Did I screw up when allowing my 12-year-old to invite only one twin to her party?

Joe's answer says pretty much it all, but still I'd like to add a note you may find useful: From the starting point that these conflicts should be let to the children to solve (not just because they ...
David's user avatar
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1 vote

Did I screw up when allowing my 12-year-old to invite only one twin to her party?

In this instance, at 12 years old, there is no difference between twins and other siblings of similar age. I will assume all other parents who had only one sibling who was invited, and one sibling of ...
Peter's user avatar
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