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Marc's user avatar
Marc's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
  • San Diego, CA
16 votes

Some games and playful ideas for a father to do with his 4 year old daughter?

14 votes

How to teach a toddler to identify colors correctly?

13 votes

Is it preferable to have "sex talks" vs "all the time education"?

10 votes

At what age can children prepare their own meals?

9 votes

Is it normal for a 3-year-old to always lay down when playing?

9 votes

Parent's in law who can't be trusted to baby-sit want to - how do we figure this one out without hurting them?

9 votes

30 year old granddaugter in lesbian relationship and I was told about this by her 5 year old child

8 votes

How to help our 9-year-old, who struggles with math, to focus?

8 votes

Is there an age before which you should avoid the concept of death or dying?

8 votes

Gifted child at gifted school still dealing with behavior problems

7 votes

How to deal with a teenage daughter who refuses to dress modestly

7 votes

best age to start a daycare

7 votes

Is it normal for a five year-old to be put in detention repeatedly for not being able to sit still and be quiet?

7 votes

Do you give gifts to your child's teachers and caregivers?

6 votes

20 yo daughter left home to live with a "bad" girl - what should I do?

6 votes

What to do if my kids would not listen to my reasoning?

6 votes

Should our 3 year old boy be made to look at me while I am talking (during discipline)?

6 votes

6-year-old bed wetting

6 votes

I'm pretty sure I'm bound for the mental asylum

6 votes

Abusive behavior of 12 years old son

5 votes

Should I keep giving toys back to my infant when he's deliberately dropping them?

5 votes

Open gifts at birthday party

5 votes

Ego-centric kid or control-freaked mum?

5 votes

How to help my 7 year old daughter with ADD organize her room?

5 votes

Child wearing glasses, does he need them?

4 votes

What can I do if my 4-month-old baby didn't get enough milk while breastfeeding?

4 votes

When (if ever) is it appropriate to spy on your teenager's texts?

4 votes

Deep cut in index finger of 19 months old baby - how to re-bandage?

4 votes

Encouraging a 3-year-old's interest in minibeasts

4 votes

Making the child finish their food even if they are already full