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71 votes

How can I be more sympathetic towards my children when they are injured?

I do not like my behavior. Parenting is difficult at every stage for somewhat different reasons. Children aren't miniature adults, especially at your child's age. They don't think or process like ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
27 votes

Advise on brushing teeth after a fall for my 2 yr old

Honestly, if it was my toddler I would either just brush top teeth - carefully - or skip a day or two. That type of injury in a little child usually heals extremely quickly, and I think the long term ...
Meg's user avatar
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How can I be more sympathetic towards my children when they are injured?

It sounds to me like you are a pragmatist. ("I told him and warned him but he went ahead and stood there. I am sorry he's hurt, but he could have avoided it easily enough.") How do you feel when you ...
WRX's user avatar
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Advise on brushing teeth after a fall for my 2 yr old

See first of all you should make sure whether all his teeth are alright from the trauma. Just check if any tooth is not moving or is painful to touch. If you are in doubt then you must take your son ...
Ojasvi's user avatar
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How can I be more sympathetic towards my children when they are injured?

A phrase I have heard is "treat the patient not the disease." That phrase may be helpful here. Since I too have trouble with empathy, lets sit down and analyze the situation without any. Should be ...
Cort Ammon's user avatar
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How can I be more sympathetic towards my children when they are injured?

Just to add to some great ideas in other answers... One of the things about your child you can influence most is your relationship with them. There could be a time when they are a teenager or young ...
Ola M's user avatar
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How can I be more sympathetic towards my children when they are injured?

I had a long answer about how to behave if a child hurts itself and starts crying, with first-aid measures etc., but deleted it in the favour of the following which is a long answer targetted at you ...
AnoE's user avatar
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Advise on brushing teeth after a fall for my 2 yr old

I think first you need to check why the child does not want to brush his teeth? Since he is two years old, he might resist anything to prove that he is in charge. They do these things when the parents ...
Bahar Aykaç's user avatar
1 vote

Advise on brushing teeth after a fall for my 2 yr old

It is not crucial to brush with toothpaste every single day; skipping a day once in a while is fine. One way to deal with a cut on the lip is to use one (washed) hand to hold that lip, covering the ...
user21820's user avatar
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Advise on brushing teeth after a fall for my 2 yr old

When my 5yr old got hit by a swing in the teeth, the dentist said to always brush the teeth! But gently. The germs in the mouth can cause more problems. They also suggested to use mouthwash in case of ...
Robert Andrzejuk's user avatar
1 vote

How can I be more sympathetic towards my children when they are injured?

I scanned the other answers, and a few of them touch on this, but I am posting because I want to offer you slightly different advice. I feel it is important to acknowledge your child's experience as ...
magerber's user avatar
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How can I be more sympathetic towards my children when they are injured?

You will be watching your son like a hawk for the next 2-3 years. They bumble on ahead without a care in the world jumping head first into puddles and bashing their head off anything solid. The reason ...
Dave's user avatar
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How can I be more sympathetic towards my children when they are injured?

When my son (3.5) hurts himself I hurry over and help him up or into a more comfortable position and give him a strong hug. I tell him with a calm tone, "It's okay", or if it was bad and he's crying a ...
Dom's user avatar
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How can I be more sympathetic towards my children when they are injured?

This is what I do and works most of the time. Hug him first, try to reduce the shock he received. With that injury he already learnt something. Be calm, humans primarily learn with experience, not ...
Cem Kalyoncu's user avatar

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