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Questions tagged [games]

A form of sport or play, in particular competitive ones played by the rules. See also: [play], [sports], [video-games].

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97 votes
12 answers

Should you let a toddler win?

We've started playing some simple games with my 2-year-old son, including a simple age-appropriate matching game. He enjoys playing, but seems (to me, at least) more focused on playing over winning. ...
2 votes
1 answer

Are there resources that provide collections of good math training activities?

I am very eager to access collections of good math training activities, games, etc -- hopefully high quality and aligned with current curriculum movements like common core, etc. Naturally I would ...
4 votes
2 answers

Road trip with a 3-year-old

I will be going on a road trip with my almost 3-year-old. He was born prematurely so he is not necessarily at the same level of other 3-year-old children yet. How can I keep him settled down and get ...
3 votes
2 answers

Five Year old structured playing

My child, who will be five soon, enjoys structured play more than unstructured play. For example, he loves puzzles because they have a clear goal and a right way to complete them. He does not like ...
12 votes
4 answers

Where can we find ideas for activities for our toddler?

I have twin boys who are 15 months old. My mother-in-law does daycare for us and also lives with us. Recently I have noticed a trend where they are spending more and more time watching TV during the ...
10 votes
4 answers

How to choose a game for a 3 year-old child?

I've been recently in a game shop to choose a gift for my 3 year-old nephew. Although age was indicated on boxes, I was not sure that some games are really suitable for him, some were very hard for ...
5 votes
2 answers

How to explain an online scary story to a 7 year old boy?

My 7 year old kid just started playing the game minecraft. He quite enjoyed it, played it a lot and also watched many related youtube videos. However, he watched some youtube videos about "Entity ...
20 votes
16 answers

Is a Rubik's cube an appropriate gift for a 15-month-old child?

I am planning to buy some meaningful toys (puzzles, learning toys) to my friend's daughter. She has completed 15 months. Would it be appropriate to buy Rubik's cube. I would appreciate other toy ...
33 votes
5 answers

Why is technology bad for children?

Almost 5 years ago I have asked this question: Is it too dangerous for my 2 years old son to watch YouTube on the iPad for hours? and I concluded that (watching) TV etc is not very healthy for the ...
13 votes
4 answers

Why does my daughter "forget" her numbers even though she knows how to count?

My daughter is 4 1/2 or so. She knows how to count to at least 10, possibly higher, and will do so unprompted. However, we've recently tried to start playing some board and card games with her. In ...
11 votes
5 answers

Should I intentionally lose a game to make my daughter happy?

My daughter is very clever at playing chess. At 5 years of age, she could win against her mother and grandparents, but still couldn't beat me. She kept playing with me and tried to win, but always ...
7 votes
5 answers

How to keep a 2 year old toddler entertained throughout the day?

The child is 2 years 3 months old, and she loves following 4 activities: Getting read books. Making sketches with me. Going outside to play. Watching cartoons on TV. The problem is that these ...
4 votes
1 answer

Games mentioned in "Baby Talk" by Sally Ward

I am reading "Baby Talk" by Sally Ward, and she mentions a number of games you can play with babies that I'm unfamiliar with. Have you heard of these? How do you play them? Clap hands Hidey peep (...
4 votes
4 answers

What are some good games, books (or any suggestions) to teach my 10 year old more patience and persistence?

My 10 year old gets frustrated very easily. When I ask her if she'd like help or suggestions she says "no!". She'll often become angry and then give up. I have some of these tendencies (except being ...
11 votes
2 answers

How to teach my son that winning is not everything and to lose graciously? My son cries when he loses and quits playing the game

My 5-year-old son cries when he loses a game. He gets impatient and throws tantrums and beats me when he loses. The same thing happens when he plays with his friends also. I have tried to teach him by ...
11 votes
5 answers

How to help a 9-year-old boy learn to handle losing at games/sports?

Our 9-year-old son can really go ballistic upon losing at games — tears of rage, calling family members liars and/or cheats, etc. very intense. As far as we know, he doesn't really do this with his ...
4 votes
2 answers

How to engage my 4-year-old daughter to do something by her own?

My daughter is 4 years old. She wants to keep playing all the time and in her way only. She avoids to play cricket, basketball, or puzzles where you can lose or you need to think in order to win. She ...
56 votes
4 answers

Should you play games with a toddler that they're very good at and always win?

I have been reading the Should you let a toddler win question and it appears to be a bad thing to let a child always win. I have been playing the memory cards game (where you have to find two ...
5 votes
3 answers

What age should you start enforcing board game rules?

I have a few younger nephews that enjoy playing board games. Some obey the rules and actually want to play the real game but some younger ones just want to play "their own game". I know that teaching ...
6 votes
3 answers

What are the non stimulating games that can be played before bedtime to keep the kid engaged?

Kid is 4 year old. I want her to feel sleepy before bedtime so that it becomes easy for us to put her to bed. Problem is if I do not engage her in some non-stimulating activity, she keeps on jumping ...
8 votes
2 answers

Should we teach rules of multiple board games at once

I've been playing with my 5 year old and teaching her how to play board games (chess, checkers, go, etc) and card games. To make the study consistent we play 30 minutes every day. But I was ...
1 vote
1 answer

Combining sounds to simple words

This is my third child, and so I'm not too worried, etc... I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on how to encourage or work towards combining sounds a toddler already knows (in this case "s" with ...
7 votes
2 answers

How can I help my pre-schooler be more confident and assertive when other children are taking toys away from her?

Our daughter is a very sociable child; she goes to kindergarten and has a lot of friends outside her kindergarten-friends circle. When we're at the playground she is always the first to approach ...
5 votes
4 answers

Is a (classic) GameBoy appropriate for my 1 year old son?

My son is very excited in using technical devices like our printer, our tablet or our wireless phone. I'm thinking of buying him a classic, black an white GameBoy (the grey one with big nobs), so that ...
6 votes
5 answers

Party games for the 4-th birthday

We are organizing a big party for our 4-year old daughter. We rented a room, and expect 20-30 kids (most similar age) and the party is from 2pm to 5pm. What is the best way to manage the party (in ...
4 votes
1 answer

Interactive tablet games for infants

Are there any studies analyzing the benefits or harm done by interactive tablet games for infants as available on android \ios . The games involve hitting baloons, tapping screen, etc. How useful are ...
5 votes
3 answers

How do I decide if a particular program online is a good and safe place for kids and whether or not to pay for membership to programs that require it?

My nephew (10yo) has approached us about playing AnimalJam and while I see it's sponsored by National Geographic Kids, I'm curious what the safety content of the game is. By that I mean both predatory ...
2 votes
1 answer

What are some focusing exercises that can be performed on an infant to improve their motor skills and cognition

I was looking for some exercises , games for 6-7 month old infants that would help them exercise their motor skills and cognition. Since such infants can't even sit or rollover without support, what ...
10 votes
11 answers

What games are good for teaching math?

I'm volunteering at a primary school. One of the things that we're keen on is teaching mathematics via games. I'm looking for games that people have found are good for this (either designed to teach, ...
8 votes
8 answers

What games are good to play with teens in the car?

I will be travelling with two kids aged 15 and 18 in a car this upcoming month, and I would like to play some games in the car with them. I know the game where you look for different license plates,...
1 vote
2 answers

How can I help my pre-schooler be more confident and assertive in competitive play situations?

In a certain type of games, where children are expected to run to a goal point (1) and then to perform something (2), e.g. to run to a bag full of toys and then quickly grab the best toy ahead of ...
5 votes
4 answers

Where can I find reliable entertainment reviews which are targeted for parents?

Is there a reliable, online, place, where I can find reviews for video games, board games, toys and movies which are aimed at parents, especially parents with young children?