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2 votes
2 answers

How Do I Stop My Two Kids from Fighting? [closed]

My kids are fighting with each other for no reasons. They are twins (4 year old). Sometime they get too serious. Punishment is not the way I really like. Please share some cool ideas.
Robert Brown's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Toddler ignoring dad and change in his attitude

Our son is really a good boy listening the first time on everything and doesn’t cry, but recently he has been the opposite. I m not strict but his mom is strict and recently my wife started a part ...
localhost's user avatar
  • 2,071
6 votes
2 answers

Toddler recently pushing me away, no cuddles, not saying goodnight etc etc and I'm withdrawing a bit - is there light at the end of the tunnel?

Our daughter just turned 2 in May. My wife and I haven't really had that many issues with her, but recently she's being odd. Every time I go to give her a hug, cuddle or kiss she either pulls away or ...
null's user avatar
  • 162
0 votes
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dilemma with my four year old only daughter re: her dad [closed]

When my daughter spends time with her dad she becomes a horrible brat on her return. I wonder if it does more harm than good for her to be with him. He is very loving towards her, but not mature at ...
metalmama76's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Baby daddy's jeliouse controlling rebound [closed]

I have a amazing 3 3yr old little not. His father and I got together 2011. We broke up around beginning of 2014. We honestly both fell in love the same day we met at the one and place as the other, we ...
Lonee Sisk's user avatar