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2 answers

Rough and tumble play with 1.5 yo son turns to actual voilent behavior

I have the feeling that my one-and-a-half-year-old son often wants to play wildly in the evenings or even have a kind of tussle. However, this almost exclusively follows the pattern that it is ...
Jan_B's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to I tell a 3 year old who his real dad is?

My child's dad walked out when I was pregnant and said he wasn’t ready to be a father. Not long after, I got with my now-boyfriend and we have two kids of our own together. My first child calls my ...
Ella's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

My 5 year old Autistic son is very mean to me when his mother is around

I don't understand why all day while she is at work or out there aren't any issues. We go on walks, to parks, play with toys, the day is focused on him. I understand that she is the favorite parent, ...
user39674's user avatar
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Toddler ignoring dad and change in his attitude

Our son is really a good boy listening the first time on everything and doesn’t cry, but recently he has been the opposite. I m not strict but his mom is strict and recently my wife started a part ...
localhost's user avatar
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How can I help my 2-year-old son adapt to his biological father?

I found out today, that my soon to be ex husband is not my son's biological father (which is what I was hoping for, as he is mentally, emotionally and physically abusive). The BF (biological father) ...
Shannon Jeanne Oosthuizen's user avatar
6 votes
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Toddler recently pushing me away, no cuddles, not saying goodnight etc etc and I'm withdrawing a bit - is there light at the end of the tunnel?

Our daughter just turned 2 in May. My wife and I haven't really had that many issues with her, but recently she's being odd. Every time I go to give her a hug, cuddle or kiss she either pulls away or ...
null's user avatar
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6 votes
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My 1-year-old freaks out on her father

So we have a beautiful one-year-old daughter and she has always been a daddy‘s girl up until about a week ago. She started freaking out anytime her dad will go to hold her, change her, or even trying ...
Miranda Gregory's user avatar
4 votes
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How do I tell my daughter the only dad she's ever known, isn't her biological dad? [duplicate]

I had my oldest daughter very young, with a man that chose to not be involved at the time (Who now has two more children by two different woman) we split up when my oldest daughter was about 1. Not ...
Lane. Ritt's user avatar
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2 answers

Should I allow my child's in-and-out father to be a part of his life?

My son will be 3 years old in a couple of months and his father lives out of state. He did live here when my son was born but was not there and would not sign the birth certificate. It took a long ...
Kristen's user avatar
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