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Questions tagged [santa]

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7 votes
2 answers

Should I reveal the truth about Santa?

My youngest daughter is now nine years old. She has always been very big into believing in magical things. It's probably my fault because I love to see kids using their imagination and wonder. My kids ...
93 votes
20 answers

Why would you lie to your children about Santa?

Christmas is an awesome event for children with lots of presents, but I've been thinking: Aren't the negative things it brings (telling them the truth eventually) worse than the good things? You can ...
8 votes
5 answers

Should I tell my 11-year-old daughter that Santa isn't real?

Okay, so my daughter is 11 years old and still believes in Santa Claus. Normally, I would be okay with her believing for another year or two, but the past Christmas or two her belief of Santa is ...
8 votes
4 answers

How do you respond to your pre-schooler when they tell you that you're on Santa's Naughty List?

My three-year-old son really enjoyed Christmas. My son is still talking about how Santa came to our house to fill our stockings two times (my wife put treats in one night, and I put some in two days ...
9 votes
3 answers

What to tell the child that says, "Mom, is Santa really real?"

I am not asking if it is okay to perpetuate the Santa Myth here. There is another question about that here. I am also not asking when this is likely to happen. That is answered here I am asking ...