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13 votes
3 answers

How to help my 11-year-old daughter who is confused because she likes a girl?

My 11-year-old daughter came to me and told me that she thinks she has feelings for another girl. She explained it as she has the same feelings for this girl that she has had for a boy all school year....
Shoebottom's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What can I do to encourage children I mentor to be tolerant of other's differences if parents don't want an open discussion about it?

I believe strongly In encouraging children to be open and respectful of everyone regardless of their differences, That everyone should be loved regardless of their race, gender, sexuality, religion, ...
dsollen's user avatar
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What do I say to 10 yr old daughter says she's a lesbian [closed]

I found out my 10 year old daughter(11 in 3 months) told her two best friends she is a lesbian. One friend is a boy who's been her best friend since they were 3 and the other is her best girlfriend. ...
JustAHuman's user avatar