My 5 year old has been acting out terribly and I’m at a loss. My husband isn’t helping at all with parenting anymore for this one (the 5 year old his his) or the other two kids.
The youngest is the one I’ve been having the most issues with: wanting to lie, hide things, destroy others properties, hit, and throws the worst tantrums if he doesn’t get what he wants. I understand he’s 5 so tantrums are a given no matter what, but the way he does it concerns me. He immediately wants to attack people hit them at very specific spots (head, eyes, face in general.)
When he lies he has this hiding spot that me and husband know where it is immediately but he keeps hiding things he’s destroyed or had accidents and hides his underwear there.
The only time he’s nice to others is when he has a screen. The tablet is like the golden ring to Gollum; if it’s gone his entire personality is different. I’ve had to resort to taking away his tablet and PlayStation time due to his behavior, and been doing it for a month and he’s still the same.
I keep trying to talk to him see if there’s something going on at his mothers when he goes there or if school is bothering him, to see if that’s why he’s acting out but he just glares at me and screams till he’s blue in the face. Husband says he just has authority issues that the middle and eldest did the same thing that he will straighten out when he’s 7. But waiting it out isn’t ok, he can’t keep doing this. He’s going to think it’s ok to do it. I’m so lost here, I don’t believe in spanking at all and that’s all my mother tells me to do.