I have a two year old (just turned two) boy that doesn't speak much. He vocalizes only a few words (like "mom", "up", and "grandpa") clearly but other than those, he's largely silent. He seems content being silent except when he wants something and is frustrated that he can't say it. He does do a few simple sign-lanugage signs ("more", "all done", etc) that we taught him. He babbles some, but mostly when he's alone (right before bed or right after waking up).
He's wants us to read books to him all the time, and he can follow verbal directions from me so I'm confident he understands what's being said.
His pediatrician does not think he's exhibiting any signs for autism and other than his verbal development - he's healthy, well-rounded, and achieving the proper developmental milestones.
I haven't had success with the technique of offering choices to entice him to speak (i.e. "do you want the red shirt or the blue shirt?"), he just watches and doesn't say anything.
I'm sure I'm over-simplifying, but it seems to me like he just doesn't want to talk. Are there techniques I could use to get him to speak?