My son turned 2 in April. He is currently in early intervention for speech, they also are working on his receptive language.
When he was 10 months old he got ear tubes after having ear infections for several months. After his tubes were placed we felt like he stopped responding to us, when we called his name or yelled he wouldn’t look. We were concerned about his hearing for several months following the surgery and he couldn’t get through the first hearing test he had but was able to pass at his 2 year appointment. The ear doctor said that his ear infections and tubes had nothing to do with him not speaking but I truly felt that there was a clear difference after his surgery and when they did a pressure test on his ears at 16 months it seemed to correct the problem as he was way more responsive to us but still only saying minimal words.
Well now we have been doing EI for almost 6 months, he has developed a few more words and signs and it’s more consistent with showing us what he wants. He loves to play with his sister and cousins and seeks out other kids when we go to play group or the park. Our EI therapist said she would like to see him be more reactive to her calling his name and for him to do more imitation play although he does it with us. He also gets hyper focused on a toy or activity he is playing and will ignore you if you try to get him to do a different task or activity which I feel is a typical for some toddlers but seems to concern our EI therapist . She has also suggested having him tested for autism but we feel he is too young and everyone who meets him who understands autism or has worked with kids with autism feel that he doesn’t show the typical signs. I should add that he makes eye contact, interacts with other kids and adults that he knows well or even has only met a few times, he also is entering the two year old tantrum stage but it never lasts over 5 minutes if that and he is redirectable.
I am curious peoples thoughts on waiting for testing or giving him more time to develop. He is also starting daycare in a few weeks which will be two full days every week. I just feel there is so much pressure to label kids and it’s becoming very overwhelming for my husband and myself as we do all the suggestions given to us and have seen progress but wish he was saying more. Thank you for any suggestions or words of encouragement.