Anyone ever experienced similar situation? My 2.5yr old daughter always trying to ignore my words, by not listening and not answering.
For example, when there's conflict I try to blame her on some bad behaviour, she would run away, or not look at me at all. However even when there's no conflict, even like when my mum's asking her what did she eat for lunch, if she's not in the mood (which seems everyday she's not in the mood), she will not listen or answer at all.
I've kept talking with her for months that it is basic courtesy to look at the counterpart, and answer, when people talk to her. Not working. It happens to everyone: parents, other relatives in family, teachers in kindergarten, etc....
We don't think she has hearing problem: when she's in a good mood or she has some demand for us, she's talkative and our communication flows well.
What can I do in such situation please? Thanks!