I'm having a difficult time sometimes with my 5-year-old daughter understanding when I need privacy such as when I take a shower or need to put body cream on afterwards, dry up etc. If I explain it to her and nicely close the door she gets extremely mad screams and cries. How do I circumvent this?
It usually doesn't happen during the day as my husband will keep her distracted downstairs, but this morning she got up earlier as I was preparing for work and caught me in the shower and didn't want to leave when I got out, even after I kissed her good morning and calmly handled the situation. I feel very guilty, but I want to teach her what privacy is and that our bodies should be private at times. I don't want her watching me as a naked woman while I'm doing private things.
My husband thinks she's too attached to me and that this should not be! I let her see me dress quickly or if we go to a pool swimming of course but I don't want this to be the norm at home.