While I am happy to let my six year old continue to have baths most of the time, there are times when she needs to take the quicker shower.
She has never been thrilled about water - even though we did those infant swim classes. It took a long time to get her willing to blow bubbles and it is just a fear she seems to innately have (and has always had).
The spraying of the shower head freaks her out and she doesn't even like to use the shower head sprayer when she is holding it. She is willing if I do it for her (she's a pretty decent kid and relatively compliant even about this), but she is fearful and the whole thing is torture for her.
She has warmed up to the idea of the water enough to be okay splashing in it, blowing bubbles (partial face submersion) and even floating around in a pool (as long as she's got an inner tube or me or her dad) to hang onto. She can doggie paddle to the edge if she needs to and enjoys splashing in it - she just won't get her face wet.
We will be staying in a cabin leading up to Christmas where baths are pretty tough and then she has an aunt getting married just after Christmas and we will be in a hotel for half a week and super busy (and wanting her to shower - because it is a lot quicker). How do I help her get through this fear?
While I am concerned about the pool too, she is functional in the pool. It is the shower thing that I'd really like to focus on for now and the pool thing in the coming summer months.
A year later: She is now taking showers after becoming excited about swimming lessons and water in general. We had her take semi-privates at the YMCA with a kid about three years younger than she is. He is a dive right in - even if I drown kind of kid so the reality of watching someone so much younger than she is, not be scared made her a bit braver. Since showering to rinse before and after getting in the pool is part of the deal - this was also addressed again and more fully. Now she enjoys the shower so much 20 minutes will go by and we have to bang on the door and tell her time is up!!