I'd like to set a bed / wake time (or guideline) for my teen. While a part of me would say something like 8:00 a.m. in summer, something like being up by 10:00 is okay with me. But logistically (especially THIS summer) she has no activities that demand her to be up at any time so theoretically she could wake at 4:00 p.m. without impacting any schedules.
What I'm asking is for suggestions as to why there should be a limit on her schedule. I'm trying to stay away from playing the "my house, my rules" card. But my own sensibilities and some general idea that we're still part of a household and broader society are about the only justifications I have. What are some other reasons I can give for why we're setting a bed time?
There's a bit of a consideration around school eventually starting again and not getting life completely out of whack, but during the first week of summer, that seems a fairly abstract argument.
Edit For clarification, my daughter has just finished middle school and is turning 14. As Kevin mentions, this general advice will still tailor as she ages, even comes back home from college, etc.
Follow up I originally posted this question more out of desire to be prepared for an open and considered discussion with my daughter, not fearing the worst or seeking an ideal cudgel. In the end, we landed on weeknights being midnight-ish and weekends a bit later. We never needed a hard bedtime, perhaps an occasional, "I think it's late enough." Overall, there were never blowups nor disrespect and it pretty much worked out with a few earlier nights approaching school.
Thanks for the ideas!