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Questions tagged [water]

Everything directly related to water, e. g. as a drink, for (baby) formula, or when and how children come into touch with it (note that there is also [bathing]).

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28 votes
11 answers

How to help a toddler overcome the fear of water on head?

My 22-month-old daughter absolutely hates getting her hair wet. At bathtime, she complains (crying, but without tears) when I pour water on her head in preparation for washing her hair (even if I'm ...
Kricket's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is it necessary to boil the water for baby formula in Switzerland?

It's a milk formula for a 9 month baby. Are there any scientific reasons requiring to boil the water before mixing in the formula's powder? The baby already drinks the tap water as it is healthy for ...
Boris Pavlović's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

2 year old rarely eats food, needs bottle and milk and drinks a lot of water

My son completely refuses to eat food. If I forcefully insert it in his mouth, he tries to vomit and throws the food out of his mouth. He loves milk in his bottle, which we give him only when he is ...
user3625561's user avatar