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4 answers

My dad still yells at me as an adult and I don't know how to react because he's my dad [closed]

My dad has always been a "mad person". Recently I was talking with my mom and she said a large reason she divorced with him was because he was always mad. Now, the following is a onetime example but ...
treesandleaves's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

How to help my adult son who lives at home, is depressed and withdraws from the outside world?

My 26-year-old son is in trouble. He went to college and graduated. He had a very tough time at school in West Virginia almost to the point of having PTSD now. In high school he was very bright ...
user26197's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

How to deal with my parents frequently getting mad at my life choices?

I’m 26 and I find both of my parents get mad at me for very bad reasons. For example, I was visiting my mom. In a mad tone she told me to stop playing a game on my phone. Just realizing it now, I find ...
snowchym's user avatar
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