Our baby turned 2 months old and he is lying in bouncy but he wants someone rocking it all the time or else he cries a lot. This is really tiring by hand or by leg. Why the baby wants so much rocking? He won’t settle on arm rocking. It’s like we have a job of rocking all day long which is exhausting.
Update: Now that he is 4 1/2 months old, things r very much tiring for us. He want to rock, now we make him sit in our lap but he want rocking, this has become a problem as I felt from the stair and hurt my back so I m suffering with serious back pain issue which gets inflamed when I rock the baby bouncy.
The more serious issue is our 4-year son is neglected because we are rocking and carrying out little one all the time. He tries to come and make himself visible and asking for love.
We have raised anxiety between our relation as a husband and wife as my wife is type 2 and get tired spending whole day rocking. What can we do? We tried to sort out a automatic swing bouncy but our son is almost 8 KG and the automatic swinging one is mx of 9kg.