Our girl, 19 months old, goes to day care 3 days a week. She has started becoming fussy about eating most things (as toddlers do). My wife and I have been feeding her some more simple items that she will eat, but are still relative healthy for her. We have been very careful to avoid foods heavy in refined sugar or heavily processed. We're trying to keep with a more whole food style of eating.
She had a rough time with day care for the first two weeks, but now will give us a big smile, waves and tells us "Good bye/I love you" when we drop her off.
About two weeks ago, I was picking her up from daycare, and saw her eating a packet of applesauce squeeze. Nothing wrong with it, but not anything we buy. I brought it up with the teachers. They (dealing with 8 other kids) thought it was hers.
Recency, last few days, her teacher has told us that at snack and lunch time she will sit down with her class members and she will start bursting out crying. She refuses to eat any of her food. After a few minutes of ineffective consoling, her teacher asks her if she would like to lay down. She goes, and if it's around noon, she will fall asleep for nap time.
What do you think could be the issue? My first thought is that my daughter was grabbing other kids snacks in the past and now she is upset that she is not getting anything but what mom and dad pack for her. Her teacher states that she is not reaching or grabbing for any other kids snacks.