I am asking about my stepson. I don't have any children of my own, but to me his behavior seems bizarre.
He talks constantly and will say the same thing several times using different words. For example: "That building is really old. Look at that old building. That building looks really old." This happened during a walk recently. We acknowledge and respond to each statement, but after that third time it gets kind of redundant.
Also, he needs specific instructions. If you ask him to get dressed and do not tell him to take off his pajamas he will just put his clothes on over top.
He checks out mentally a lot. You can send him into the bathroom to brush his teeth and find him standing there ten minutes later, staring into space, not yet having brushed his teeth.
He also has a very poor memory. He cannot recall what he did at school or what he ate for lunch. Basic questions seem to confuse him. I ask "what did you do at the park?" He says " what did I do?" Or he will just not answer or will make up an answer. I guess because he can't remember.
He asks a lot of rhetorical questions, for example, when I am making coffee he will ask what I am doing. I use to answer but now I say "what does it look like I am doing?" where he will respond "making coffee."
Other times he is super bright; good coordination. I taught him to ride his bike at age four. I just don't get it.
Also it is like he is incapable of being alone or entertaining himself. He will follow you everywhere and wants to get super close. If you send him to his room to play he will ask to watch T.V. instead. If he is told "no, go play with your toys for a bit" he usually won't go, he will just hide in the stairwell. He would prefer to just sit on the steps and watch me wash dishes or his dad do paperwork.