I want to know if anyone has any kind of experience with this as it is foreign to me.
My best friend has two little girls (seriously, this is about my best friend. Not me.). Her oldest just turned five and, when it comes to eating, is a perfectly normal eater. Actually, I consider her a very good eater. She eats healthy foods, she doesn't over-eat, she eats a wide variety of foods, and she doesn't exhibit the normal eating issues I see with so many kids her age.
Her younger daughter will turn 3 at the beginning of April, and she has always been a BIG eater from the time she was a baby. She was taking full 8-oz. bottles of formula by the time she was 3 months old every two hours, and this went on until she was almost a year old. My best friend would have to carry around a can of formula wherever she went so she could always be prepared. Rarely does she leave anything on her plate at mealtimes, and she will frequently finish off whatever is left on other's plates. She's not necessarily overweight, though she's probably a little on the "chunky" side for her age. We've all kind of just rolled our eyes in the past and said a little indulgently, "Well, that's just Avery."
Last week, however, my friend got a phone call from her baby-sitter about her daughter's eating habits while at daycare. It seems that one morning, the babysitter was feeding another baby some oatmeal and Avery came over, plunged her hands into the bowl of oatmeal, and started shoveling handfuls of food into her mouth. Later that afternoon, at lunchtime, another little boy left the table to visit the restroom, and while he was gone Avery ate the rest of the little boy's lunch before the babysitter could even jump in and stop her.
Needless to say, this has my friend worried. She has worried about her daughter's eating habits since she was a baby. My friend and I have both struggled with our weight most of our lives, so I sympathize with her and I understand her concern.
Anyone out there have any experience with this? Any medical reasons anyone can think of that might be causing this? I think we all assumed that this was something she would eventually grow out of, but this new behavior has us all thinking that there may be something more to it.