My 27-month-old son won't sleep during designated nap time in the afternoon. We do the same sleep preparation routine we do at night: 2 books in a rocking chair, in dim lighting, followed by tucking into bed in a dark room, and one softly sung song.
He'll suck his thumb and lay quietly, but a minute or two later, whether we're in the room or not, he'll start talking, about everything. What happened during the day, things he remembers, he sings songs, and just lays, sits, or stands in bed until we come to let him out if his room.
Up until this week he'd been napping for 1.5 to 3 hours per day, and his night time sleep hasn't changed, or his diet. He's tired, cranky, and acts out the rest of the day, so it's not like he's ready to give it up.
What's going on, and what can we do to help him get his sleep?