My daughter is 2 years, 7 months old, and we started potty-training her two months ago. She's gotten to the point where she's great at peeing - not only no accidents, but all-around promptness, awareness and control - but has no control at all over bowel movements. This might actually be a full-blown regression, since she used to sometimes make them on the potty, but in the past couple of weeks she never does. Also, her BM timing is extremely unreliable - she seems to need to go at vastly different times from day to day.
I'm not seeing any obvious problem. She's generally cheerful and likes going to the potty; she doesn't seem anxious about it (though sometimes she is not shy about not wanting to go :P). We're always encouraging and we try to avoid any sense of pressure. A lot of the online advice I've found says the likeliest culprits are stool consistency, and discomfort on the potty, but I'm not seeing any signs of either of those. Possibly she isn't ready yet, and we've simply started too early. It's very hard to say.
This being the case, and assuming we don't see drastic improvement quite soon - how should we continue with her training? We've heard a lot of advice frowning on returning to diapers, and that seems like it would undermine all the progress we've made over the past couple of months. On the other hand, I don't know that it's good for her to be "missing" all the time - all the cleanups, "boring" time waiting on the potty, a sense of failure, getting asked if she needs to go... I'm worried that if this builds up over time, it might stress her out.
What options should we consider? Tough it out? Take a break? Or is there some middle-way compromise, something we can do to take the pressure off of pooping without going back to diapers?