My almost 3-year-old has done a complete 180 since my last potty training question 2 weeks ago. We decided to try the barebum method where she's nude, then commando, then with underwear over the course of a week, and it clicked right away on day 1.
Here is what has changed:
- I no longer have to encourage to go to the restroom. With the exception of when we are going for a drive, I tell her to go before we leave and also right before bed.
- She has been going alone and wants privacy
- Her pull-ups have been dry all night for the past 4-5 days, so I think we will switch to underwear at night and waterproof sheets
- She has had an accident about once a week when she's too distracted and doesn't make it to the restroom on time.
Question: Since we've been in lockdown, we really haven't had to deal with accidents in public or public bathroom sagas. We are planning on staying the summer in a different state to quarantine there for a few unrelated reasons, however, is it possible that she will regress there due to the change in environment? How do other parents work on potty training while traveling or navigating normal outside of home life?