I have a 23 month old toddler who loves to hurl anything that he gets his hands on - either at things or other folks around the house. If not that, he'll treat it as a hammer and go around "hitting" other things or humans or animals (dog). We've gotten rid of all furniture with glass but there are a few things that just don't get made without it. Hammering them could be dangerous even if the glass is tough.
He's seriously injured his mom on more than one occasion. At times he would abruptly slam the doors on our faces/legs. Purely for fun. (These are closet doors without hydraulic hinges.) If our phones are close by and if he gets them someone is going to get seriously hurt when he hurls it (not if).
We've tried being stern and saying "no" and taking the the things away and putting them higher up so he cannot reach them. At times we've gotten a little more angry. I wouldn't lie but in extreme cases he's gotten a spank or two on his leg/back as an unfortunate reflexive action.
If nothing, he'll start scratching/pinching/jumping-on/biting the folks around. We always brush him off and say "no" and also provide him an alternate. But it's hard to know what to do when we're simply sitting and watching TV (for 30 mins the whole day) and he's going to make the act of sitting a nightmare (with or without TV).
It's getting really difficult to constantly keep everything away from him and/or explain that we get hurt. Nothing seems to work to deter him - we've tried everything from polite/assertive conversations to being angry or ignoring him. He just makes such funny faces and/or beady eyes that makes it really difficult to hold a scorn when looking him in the eye.
What are some strategies we can adopt to help control such "playfully hurtful/violent" behavior?