I recently stumbled upon a series of children books that teach kids to deal with certain emotions like anger, fear, shyness, envy, or sadness.
I'm all about helping my child get a better handle on their emotions, but the book mentions it contains a sophrology exercise. In the way it is depicted on the cover, it looks like some sort of a warning to me.
So I was wondering if anyone has had experience with sophrology and if sophrology exercises are a good approach to teaching kids how to deal with their emotions.
For those who don't speak French, here is what the books are about:
Gaston is a small unicorn different from others. He has something magic. His mane and tale have all the colors of the rainbow when things go well for the little unicorn. But as soon as a strong emotion gets hold of him, his mane and tail change color according to his mood: sadness, anger, etc. One emotion per story. At the end of each story there is an exercise to help the child manage their emotions. For example, for anger you hold your breath and you imagine the anger as a dark cloud in your head. You move your shoulders up and down like pumping all the anger into that dark cloud. You then exhale relaxing your shoulders and breathing the dark cloud out.