My 6-year-old daughter is generally a very optimistic, probably happy, smiling kid which likes to play with her sister and others. But... only until everything goes according to her expectations.
Whenever any situation, decision or even a sentence or word turns against her, whenever anything is not like she would like it to be -- she immediately starts crying, yelling or becomes hysterical.
Her older sister is pretty much different. She was much more "emotionally stable" in the same age and we managed to let her go to primary school (there was some time in Poland, when you could decide, whether child is starting primary school at the age of 6 or 7 years). Younger one is not that stable at all, cries often (very often from time to time), many other people see that this might be a problem already. And, of course, we can't let her go to school. She must stay at a kindergarden until next year (until being 7 years old).
Is this something that I should concern about? My wife says that our daughters are just completely different and that this is pretty normal that some kid cries often, when situation is against him or her and that our older daughter was just a bit more emotionally stable a bit earlier.