The main difference with this question to others like this is that I'm asking about something that works with older children (13-18). We're a patchwork family (that never really posed any problems or challenges) consist of 2 parents and 5 children, me being the oldest of the children at 18. 3 of my siblings are 15 and one is 13.
My mom frequently becomes enraged about the fact that we don't help as much with chores as she wants us to. When my siblings are asked to do something the usual response is that they already did more than the others (which is the answer everyone gives). Since we're already relatively old, reward systems and such won't really do much anymore.
When I'm home alone I have no problem doing all the chores by myself because there is this kind of urgency but if there are family members around this feeling of urgency and responsibility goes away.
So I proposed that we would assign a type of chore to everyone, say, I, and only I, am responsible for doing the laundry which should imitate this kind of urgency and responsibility.
Is this a reasonable system and does anyone have experience with something similar? I'd love to hear other solutions to this problem as well.