When out with my 4 year old, we go to the bathroom at EVERY place we go to. I call it bathroom tourism. I don't think he has to go nearly as often as he indicates, but, since he manages to conjure up some poop or pee at each stop its hard to tell if he felt a real physical urge or if he just wanted to check out yet another ladies' room color scheme.
My question is, when is it appropriate for me to start requiring him to "hold it"? How long can I expect him to be able to wait to relieve himself?
Some history and relevant facts:
He was a bed wetter until very recently; we still wake him at 11:00 to go to the bathroom, just in case.
He has only had one accident (urine) since potty training, and it was because he was holding it and refused to go to the bathroom, despite our repeated efforts to get him to go.
This kid drinks A LOT of water and milk. It's just who he is; we had him tested for diabetes, etc since his thirst seems excessive, but all tests indicate he's normal. Obviously, because of this the volume that he puts out is more than the average kid.
He stands up to pee.
He doesn't have any problems with constipation.
The one thing all my kids have in common the most it's that each and everyone of them is a totally different personality from all the others. And that shows in their second week, while you're changing diapers: "This child, reacts totally different from all the others!"