Anyone have any thoughts on this? I observed Bella - 6 years old. Playing with children. This was all in the time frame of 30 minutes.
- Sophia accidentally brushes her lightly on the arm. She said loudly, Sophia hit me.
- While Bella was coloring 12 month old baby gently with flat palm of hand touched her hair. She again loudly said, Evie pulled my hair.
- Then the kids were playing tag, when she got tagged she yelled, Tony is hitting me.
My step daughter (has two kids of her own) is engaged to Bella's father and I am concerned as if she is like this at 6 what other lies is she going to tell when she is 14. They say she does this all the time (school/home) - it is a problem but stumped as what to do. Apparently, her mother is like this too. Poor thing, no one in the family wants to play with her now (we have a lot of grand-kids). Who can blame them? She is lying and trying to get kids in trouble when they have done nothing. I see red flags. Her dad says she has always been like this.