I have a 2 year old daughter who doesn't walk quietly or softly. She stomps. I can't tell whether she likes the noise she makes on our wood floor or she doesn't know any better. Her walking/running looks the same outside though. I/we have been making attempts at educating her for weeks.
- telling her to move silently,
- pointing out how much more silent her mom can enter the room,
- taking her by her hands and walk with her around the room while encouragin her to avoid noice
- making walking slowly and siliently some sort of "fun" game
- making funny faces while tiptoeing around
- ... about everything we can think of that is fun/good/better/preferable when moving silently.
While she does seem to enjoy herself a lot, it has absolutely not affected her stomping. She is only 2 and definetly still discovering her body and the degrees of freedom it posesses, so I don't want to push hard. She has enough to learn and discover already. I'd just like for her to shift her priorities a little ...
So my actual questions are: How long does it take children learn to walk "normal"? Can I expect her to stop stomping soon, within the coming year, shortly after kindergarden, right before puberty? When and how can I actually start teaching her? I have absolutely no clue what is ok, expected or considered normal progress for learning how to walk. Other children look about the same when they move, but they move much more silently.