Our son turned two a month ago. We spend a lot of time with him and give him many different toys and books to play with and learn. He used to be interested in all of it; until ~3-4 months ago. Now, his conversation is dominated by trains, planes, helicopters, cars and busses. We can not talk about anything else with him, after every few words, comes a sentence about sitting in a train, or him pretending his hand is a airplane or interrupting us with "toot-toot traaaaain Choo Chooooo!". At this point, he makes 4-5 word sentences, a couple of sentences at a time; but all about the same things.
At first, we were just happy he could talk at length (in his limited vocubulary, with many repeats) about the various modes of transportation, but now we fear that it has reached a point of obsession. How do we temper his love of all things with wheels? Or, is this a phase that he will grow out of?
We took away all his cars, trains etc and provided alternative toys that were new to him (this didn't help); A week later, we gave him lots of vehicular toys to see if the obsession dampens (no signs of that happening so far). We also try distracting him: He absolutely loved looking at all the animals at the zoo, but the next day we were back to talking about trains. We regulary go out to cycle on his balance bike - again, he loves it, but will try to zoom across the road if he sees an airplane or a bus.
We would love for him to learn about and explore other things, and, not have repeat conversations about the same topics again and again and again.