My kid is 3 years old. He has his teeth brushed twice a day (morning, after breakfast, and night, before bed). At night we also help him floss. When possible (since this task ranges from not-that-difficult to almost-impossible depending on the day and mood of the toddler) we also brush his tongue with the toothbrush.
I actually think that all parties involved are doing a great job. As difficult as brushing his teeth is, I think that this task is being done "as good as possible". Given the situation, I could not hope for more. Yet, in spite of all this, sometimes I can tell he has bad breath.
This makes me wonder if there is anything else that could/should be done. I understand that at age 3, trying to make him rinse is either a lost cause or even potentially dangerous.
Should I just deal with it, since it is probably not a big deal and there is not that much that can be done, or is there anything that could be done to help him improve his oral health even more?