We are seriously thinking of hiring a nanny, as my wife wishes to hold on to her job in these tough times. I have seen what are called, "nanny-cams", that help us monitor the nanny at home.
A video on a website, showing nanny mishandling the kids, is enough to instill fear in me to worry about the decision of hiring a nanny.
That apart, I wonder if has anyone tried these surveillance cameras. More questions follow me, a resident of Michigan: Could such a 'hidden-camera' it be termed illegal, and could it lead to lawsuits, etc.? Should the presence of a camera be disclosed to the nanny (employer-employee contract)?
Would greatly appreciate any help, information on this topic.
Now that my daughter is seven years old, wanted to share. I was not sure if I should answer my own question, so editing it in.
I did install cameras, and seriously recommend it. I told and showed the nannies the cameras before I hired them. Note that it is legal to record, even without telling the nannies, in all fifty states (as long as it is not private areas like a bathrooms). Though there was no abuse, I caught a few things: neglecting my daughter while they talked on phone, putting her in a pen and watching TV, handling her food in unhygienic ways, etc., It helps a great deal to know, and hence fix.