My 9 day old daughter is experiencing severe colic. The crying and leg stretching usually starts 20 minutes after the bottle with diary formula is finished. It takes around 2 hours after symptoms decrease and she falls asleep.
Beside dairy we also feed her with breast milk from a bottle. Unfortunately my daughter is not successful in drinking from the breast directly. Furthermore not enough mother milk is produced to feed her all day. Currently 30% of the bottles are mother milk.
No colic occurs when we give her mother milk. Furthermore she can sleep 4.5 hours without interruption after she finished the bottle of mother milk. Probably she compensates for sleep she missed while suffering colic.
I am able to soothe her by letting her suck on my pink while carrying her around and in that way the crying and leg muscle stretching stops.
Her body temperature, weight gain and diapers are all fine. Her skin is a bit scaly.
Could she already have developed a dairy allergy in such short timeframe? Or should we just be patient and wait until she becomes used to dairy?
She is my second child. My oldest daughter only showed such intense crying when she was very hungry or was ill.
I suffer myself from a (pea)nut allergy.