My child's school has become an "International School" this year. There are no foreign students, but they are teaching english as a second language to children since the age of 3. This comes with a tuition raise, and it does weight on my family budget, but I find it positive overall though unnecessary at her age. (This is from developing Latin American country, we have to pay for decent education, and many schools are trying to differentiate by self-proclaiming bilingual).
I have recently noted some panels, written in poor English, presenting class projects displayed on the hallways. It was not clear to me whether they were written by students or teachers, but it worries me that they might be offering a sub-standard education.
I do not want to behave as the kind of parent who will demand top-notch teachers but is not willing to pay top-notch tuition fees, and I do ask for partial scholarship every year. Yet, I don't feel like I should turn a blind eye to problems involving my child's education. I also am aware of how defensive people might get when you tell them their language skills are poor.
How should I address this or similar issues with the principal?