My 3-year-old daughter has been going to nursery for a year now. We live in Denmark.
Her clothes began disappearing in the day care (first a dress, then a jacket). And she was saying the name of one of the kids. This kid also behaves very weird towards my daughter. I observed it while leaving my daughter in the morning. Even I am 20 cm away from my daughter she was trying to pinch her. My wife told me the same.
Like 3 weeks ago our shoes disappeared. My daughter said it is the same kid again. We asked some of the teachers to ask this kid if she knows anything, but for privacy reasons the teachers didn't talk with the kid. They looked around the nursery for 1 week and finally today we asked another teacher who talked with the kid. And it turns out our shoes were in her home confirmed by her mother. I suspect that other missing stuff is also in their place.
What I worry about is that my daughter is having a hard time in the nursery. Today, the same kid also poured sand from a big box all over her hair. Even she is 3 since she is multilingual (my wife and I are from different countries and we are living in another country) and can't speak yet, I am worried that makes her an easy target since she can't explain it to her teachers yet. What I am trying to teach my daughter is to say "stop" loudly. And if it still goes on, I want her to tell her teachers.
Do you have any suggestions about how I can be sure my daughter is not having some hard time in nursery? Or and any suggestion I how to ask for other missing clothes? Should I speak with teachers specifically about this particular child and their relation with my daughter?