A quick backstory. MyAround the time I was born, my mom and dadbiological father broke up when I born because of domestic violence, my dad. He helped gave us with money in the first year of my life andbut then went to work abroad, and left since then. I didn't sawseen him for a over a decade (he didn't have any interess on my and neitherinterest in me, nor I had on him). Fast forward a couple ofFourteen years (14 to be precise) meafter he left, my mom and, my stepfather (the onewho I consider my real father) and I encountered him on the street with his family, and he talked to me and asked if we could beget together and catch up on each other lifeslives. I didn't mind because he is my biological father and I had some questions to ask him. Since then we, we've met up 1 to 2 times a year and talk about random stuff (because we don't have that much in common) and he usually gives-me me money (150€ to 250€). The
The only reason I metmeet with him is because the money, I dontdon't have interest in him beyond that. Before
Before I metmeet with him, my mom gives-me me a speachspeech about what he has done to us and that he didntdidn't support me onin the first years of my life, after. I told her that the only reason toI go is to have some money. I dontdon't have financial problems but having more money is better. Is my mom overreacting or I should feel bad about all this stuff?