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Rares Dima's user avatar
Rares Dima
  • Member for 6 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
Losing Daughter
There seems to be nothing wrong with this answer. Have an upvote to compensate!
Trouble with parent who pushes the envelope in every argument
I really disagree with this. Unless you are 12 you should learn to not be stepped on. ESPECIALLY by your parents. This is EXTREMELY damaging in the long term as if affects both your self esteem and trough that, your ambition(aka you will not believe your are good enough for things like college/some job/etc.) This has happened to me, my girlfriend, and a large part of our friend group since we lived in a rather traditional region. The CORRECT thing to do is "If you dont need me to do X" and WALK AWAY regardlss of yelling and punishments and threads. Ignore all that.