Beggar problem in India is real. I do not give anything to beggars in order to discourage begging. My mother does.
I don't want the child to think that I am cruel and it is okay not to help the needy.
The child is currently 2 years 4 months old.
- When (at what age of the child) should I start getting concerned about dealing with beggars in front of the child?
- How to deal with beggars in front of the child?
- What should the child be told about me not giving anything to the beggars?
- What should the child be told about my mother giving money to the beggars?
I am yet to find a place here where there are no beggars, so avoiding such places is not possible.
Also, we don't carry food around to give to the beggars. I tried to give food to a beggar once, she threw it down and moved on.
I am an Indian - if it matters at all.