My son is 17 months old with a regular routine in a nuclear family.
- 0700 awake
- 0745 in nursery
- Full day of nursery
- 1730 pick up from nursery
- 1800 relaxing time with mum and dad
- 1830 bath time
- 1900 story / quiet time
- 1920 bottle of warm whole milk
- 1930 bedtime
As a family we have the usual toddler tears you would expect with bedtime and handle them accordingly but the real reason for this question occurs between the hours of 2300 and 0500.
Randomly, for 4 to 5 minutes, he will wake up in absolute hysterics screaming for his mother. His eyes are closed and when picked up to be soothed he will not recognise us and continue the episode. He is, as far as I can tell, still asleep during these periods but the screams are deafening.
I don't know if this qualifies as a night terror?
Sometimes the episode will manifest itself with him pushing himself away from us to the floor and running into other rooms (asleep). Normally he will settle by the stair gate clutching it and shouting as if he has been abandoned and we (parents) are downstairs instead of next to him.
The only remedy we have found is to have one or two bottles of milk on hand to give to him which normally soothe his distress until he falls back asleep.
His mother is a fairly normal sleeper but I am a hypnagogic sleeper; dreaming/hallucinating as soon as I close my eyes and not waking for any amount of noise or distraction. Often my dreams are in full colour and my partner can have full, lucid conversations with me whilst I sleep which I cannot remember. However, in 32 years I have never had a nightmare that I can recall so I don't know how to approach my son to help him deal with this sleeping problem. I always found Hynagogic sleep a pleasant experience.
Do any parents or medical professionals on these forums have experience and/or advice on how to support my son?