My newborn girl has a funny smell in the top of her head: it's like milk or strawberry yogurt. Very soft, very light, I have to come really close to feel it. But it's something I notice...
She takes a bath everyday (we live in Brazil, and here it's considered ok, I know that in some countries people/child don't do that - example - and that's ok too). We wash her head using some baby shampoo like Johnson&Johnson, and just few minutes after breastfeeding, the smell appears again.
The smell doesn't come from the ears / neck / etc.
And I never paid attention to any other newborn smell, so I don't know if that is common... so, my question: is it normal that a newborn have this kind of smell ?
Update: now she is 2mo, and that funny smell is almost gone. It resambles my wife's smell. And I miss it... :(