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neelsg's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
How to teach a 3yo to endure during hikes?
You make a valid point. Most of the trips is to get to a nice waterfall or some nesting eagles etc. These trips are too far for her to walk the whole way, so I expected to carry her part of it. I guess we should do some trips that are closer so that she can do the whole trip on her own
How to teach a 3yo to endure during hikes?
Thanks. I'm not too worried about making it into some big life-lesson right now, so your suggestions are very helpful. It's obvious in hindsight that they enjoy it in a different way, but that actually never occurred to me. I like the idea of pretend play. She loves the fantasy games and will leave no stone unturned if I tell her we are looking for fairies.
How to teach a 3yo to endure during hikes?
Thanks. I like the idea of singing songs and playing games. Will try that this weekend. I'll try the other suggestions if that doesn't work, but she can manipulate like a pro when you bring rewards into the picture. I think I'll end up giving her a treat for every single step she takes :)