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Oct 28, 2013 at 2:40 comment added MJ6 +1 for hanging out with kids. Having kids is life-changing, and it can be surprising how much so this is! Thanks for adding that perspective, plus a bit of humor!
Sep 5, 2013 at 12:21 comment added user420 There's a lot of good info in here, but a couple of your points were a little... melodramatic :) Your social life and recreational activities don't automatically die a bloody death the moment you have a kid (okay, maybe for the first few months, but definitely permanently, or even for years).
Sep 5, 2013 at 10:53 comment added justkt As for clothes for kids, if you live in a country where baby showers are a common tradition, don't do it. Many people find that the baby shower outfits the kid at least through size 0-3 months (what you listed as 0) if not through the first year or even two. Infrared thermometers are not acceptable for most US pediatricians for children under 4 months - they require a rectal temperature because it is more accurate.
Sep 5, 2013 at 10:53 comment added justkt I know several people who have been completing projects with newborns, though it does go more slowly. I have friends who just finished getting a banister in. We organized our entire basement after our daughter turned 1. Sure it's more of a pain to do things during naptime on weekends or with your toddler in a backpack, but it's doable especially if one partner is a stay-at-home parent (which is in many ways the point of a stay-at-home parent, to have someone responsible for not only caregiving but for house care).
Sep 5, 2013 at 10:50 comment added justkt Whoah - no need to be so pessimistic. Many people with kids see their friends (with kids and without) on a regular basis even if it is less often than before and many people with kids are not boring unless you define boring as no longer going clubbing every Friday and Saturday night. Also while other people's kids are great birth control your own tend to be a little different. My aunt was a nanny who never wanted kids, until she adopted and very much loved one of her own.
Sep 5, 2013 at 10:49 comment added haylem I like this. Very down to earth and realistic.
Sep 5, 2013 at 7:52 history answered Josh CC BY-SA 3.0