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Apr 23, 2013 at 14:56 comment added Rory Alsop Driving risks do seem to be managed differently in a child's head, but I am also using this technique for driving. My eldest is nearly 13 and has had his karting licence for many years. I am coaching him in IAM methods of risk management, so we'll see.
Apr 23, 2013 at 14:29 comment added Vicky Interesting answer. I have read somewhere (unfortunately I can't remember where) that teenagers, and teenage boys in particular, have a very skewed way of calculating risk, which is supposedly why there are so many serious road accidents involving young male drivers: it's not that they didn't think of the risks, it's just that they thought about them in a completely different way from how you or I might. Do you think that by teaching your children about risk from a young age (I don't actually know how old yours are) you might mitigate against this effect?
Mar 28, 2013 at 9:29 history answered Rory Alsop CC BY-SA 3.0