As a result of my baby being diagnosed with infant's GastrointestinalGastroesophageal Reflux Disease, I am following doctor's orders regarding my own diet so my milk is as easy on baby's tummy as possible and we have raised one side of her matressmattress slightly. ThisThis worked for a few months.
However, since my baby is now pulling, rolling and moving herself around more her head doesn't always stay on the "up" end of the crib so we had to remove the board that was raising the one end. SinceSince she is old enough (7 mo), we are also very slowly and very carefully adding solids (mashed) into her diet. NowNow the GRDGERD is on the rebound and she is having a lot of spitting up episodes again.
The doctor doesn't seem to have a lot of options for us other than to watch both baby's and my diets carefully. HasHas any one else dealt with htisthis problem and what did you do?