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Kevin's user avatar
Kevin's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
150 votes

Should I be concerned about my 1-year-old and her mother moving in with a man I've never met?

112 votes

My 2.5 years old daughter asks to learn to read

42 votes

9 year old son brought a toy gun to school – how can we get him to understand this isn't just about bringing a toy to school?

21 votes

Son was sent home from sleepover for behavior

21 votes

Child hates face masks

17 votes

How to deal with excluding my son from the favourite activity of his peers?

17 votes

How do you feed a picky eater?

17 votes

How to prepare children for impending death of a parent?

15 votes

How do I explain the difference in responsibilities and privileges between the oldest and youngest child?

11 votes

How do you teach morals and values in non-religious households?

9 votes

What material is available to teach a toddler how to read?

9 votes

What is the reason for covering infants during transport?

9 votes

How do you you encourage siblings to share their toys?

9 votes

What are the pros and cons of having an advanced student skip Kindergarten?

7 votes

Should I enroll my child in driving lessons or teach them myself?

7 votes

Should you let a toddler win?

7 votes

How should I handle an 8 year old lawyering and quibbling?

7 votes

Adult daughter bulimic but doesn't want to go therapy

6 votes

How do I tell my parents that my wife and I are expecting a child?

6 votes

How to handle copycatting?

6 votes

Light Day-Hiking with Newborn-- baby carrier or offroad stroller?

6 votes

Why do my children cry in my wife's arms but are quiet with me?

5 votes

What are some hacks and gadgets for a soon-to-be dad?

5 votes

At what age should you start giving your children pocket money?

5 votes

What methods are effective for teaching vocabulary to young children?

5 votes

Any suggestions on how to control yelling and negativity on our part, and also teach my 8 yr old son to not feel so helpless and cry so easily?

5 votes

What should children call a step-grandparent?

5 votes

Strategies for getting toddler to eat more iron

5 votes

How to make my 11-year-old sister study more math when even violence doesn't work?

4 votes

Can a Child Fail Preschool in the United States? Should a Child be Held-Back from Kindergarten?