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balanced mama's user avatar
balanced mama's user avatar
balanced mama
  • Member for 12 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 10 years ago
6 votes

How to help a toddler overcome the fear of water on head?

6 votes

To medicate or not to medicate?

6 votes

What are some do's and dont's for an effective bedtime ritual?

6 votes

How and when can you teach a child to use an "indoor voice"?

6 votes

My 5 year- old daughter is constantly defiant!

6 votes

Are second-hand shoes safe to wear?

6 votes

What do I do about the fact that my child can already read, write and do math before entering first grade?

6 votes

What are the Different Homeschooling Styles?

6 votes

How do you teach a toddler not to share?

6 votes

Young teenager with body odor

6 votes

How does one teach kids about how to handle "Stranger Danger?"

6 votes

How can I help my ten-year-old not be traumatized by the deaths of characters in books?

6 votes

How can I teach my child not to be greedy?

6 votes

What is the best way to stop your newborn hiccuping?

6 votes

How to teach civil rights to children who don't know about racism?

6 votes

How to help a 3-year-old with vicious temper to express his emotions in a healthy way?

5 votes

Does a group of girls naturally split at the age of 10-11?

5 votes

How to change a one track mind?

5 votes

Two year old still takes a bottle of milk before bedtime, should I wean her from the bottle and the milk?

5 votes

How fast does the prenatal swimming reflex disappear?

5 votes

What can I do to help my child have confidence when in new situations?

5 votes

Strawberry flavor yogurt melts for a 6 month old?

5 votes

How do we balance our expectations for our children with allowing them freedom to pursue their own interests?

5 votes

How do you differentiate between allowing the child to disagree with you and letting her get her way?

5 votes

How can we keep our infant safe from small Lego pieces?

5 votes

What TV shows are wholesome for primary-schoolers?

5 votes

How do I avoid cracked nipples?

5 votes

Help With Sleep Training

5 votes

Effect of homeschool on college chances?

5 votes

How do I wean my 2 year old from requiring holding my hand to sleep?

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