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Melanie's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
How to talk to my 13 year old son about inapropriate comments
I have done this. We also spoke about friends and who is looking out for him and who isn't and the type of people we should surround our selves with.
How to talk to my 13 year old son about inapropriate comments
Well we had a long talk about treating women and people in general with respect. We also had a long conversation about what rape is and what comes along with it. I had to come clean to my 13 year old son about my experience which was hard but I thought he needed to hear it to get the picture. I then gave him the choice to phone his dad (we are divorced) and tell him what happened. Which he did. He shows great regret and remorse for what he has done. And as a punishment he is grounded from all electronics and social media.